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APRIL 8, 2021
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Petroleum Club of Midland


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Operators and service companies working in the Permian Basin continue to develop and implement technologies to optimize production strategies.  Because of external market forces and differing priorities of individual companies, there is no “one size fits all” strategy.

This one-day symposium will focus on Completion Design and Diagnostics, Flowback Strategies, Water Management, and Artificial Lift.  In these sessions, Permian Basin case studies and technological applications will be presented and discussed, highlighting both Midland and Delaware Basins.

Key themes to be explored during this symposium will include:


  • The latest in horizontal well completion optimization

  • Delivering greater productivity and optimal ultimate recovery at lower cost

  • Systems optimization in water management 

  • Finding the right timing in well-life for various artificial lift applications

Join us for a day of informative presentations, industry-shaping discussions, and networking with other industry experts – providing actionable ideas to fit your production management priorities. 



What is an SPE-PB Symposium?

Symposiums maximize the exchange of ideas among delegates and presenters through brief technical presentations followed by extended Q&A periods. Focused topics attract an informed audience eager to discuss issues critical to advancing both technology and best practices. The majority of the presentations are in the form of case studies, highlighting engineering achievements and lessons learned. In order to stimulate frank discussion, no proceedings are published and the press is not invited to attend. Providing a bridge between SPE conferences and forums, Symposiums provide a practical overview of a technology and showcase technologies that are just experiencing their initial field applications. The one day symposium will include morning and afternoon single-track sessions and typically host 150-180 attendees.

Program Format

The technical program is planned and conducted by the volunteer program committee. The program committee is comprised 8-10 SPE members with expertise in the subject matter. Two members serve as Program Committee Co-Chairpersons. Two committee members chair each of the technical sessions. Typically, each session lasts 90 minutes and includes 3 presentations. Speakers’ presentations should not exceed 20 minutes to maximize the opportunities for discussion. There will be opportunities at coffee breaks, luncheons, and receptions to promote informal discussion among attendees.

Continuing education units (CEU) will be awarded for completion of the workshop. The CEUs are calculated based on contact hours of participation in the workshop (1 credit per 10 contact hours).

Professional Development Hours (PDH) will be awarded for completion of the Symposium. The PDHs are calculated based on contact hours of participation in the Symposium (1 credit per 1 contact hour).

Following the symposium, attendees will receive a list of attendees and a link to a secure URL where they may view the released presentations. Presentations are approved and edited by the author prior to posting.



Yogashri Pradhan | Endeavor Energy Resources - Chairperson

Cathy Harris | Lodestone Oil and Gas Consulting, LLCCo-Chairperson

Joe Brandenburg | Graco Oilfield Services

Rachel Harper | ProTechnics

Billy Harris | Lodestone Oil and Gas Consulting, LLC

Tyler Hussey | Apache Corporation

Chris Klabunde | Chevron

Kevin Levea | Consultant

Lance Reynolds | CrownQuest Operating, LLC

Ryan Yarger | EOG Resources



Completion Diagnostics & Design

Session Chairs: Cathy Harris & Joe Brandenburg

Unconventional completion methods have come a long way in the several decades our industry has been focusing on these resources. There is still much to be learned, however, and Permian operators are seeking to optimize each aspect of unconventional development with increasing scrutiny. This session will explore ways in which many operators are still using “brute force” completions methods more appropriate for conventional rock, while others are finding ways to make engineered completion design changes on the fly that are optimizing production and saving completion costs.

Water Management

Session Chairs: Ryan Yarger & Tyler Hussey

Ever-increasing production volumes, high water cuts, disposal costs, and demand for completions water have challenged the industry in the Permian Basin. Poor planning can add millions to lease operating expenses and flowback costs, where re-use programs serve to hedge this financial risk and increase business sustainability in a crowded market that is growing daily. This session will focus on water management and the logistics, disposal hurdles, re-use options, and treatment programs that go along with it.

Flowback Strategies

Session Chairs: Billy Harris & Lance Reynolds

Flowback programs are often undertaken and completed without sufficient understanding of how the flowback can affect well and reservoir performance. Aggressive flowback procedures are often focused on short term results, some based upon criteria unrelated to geology or sound engineering, and can be counterproductive. Accumulating data increasingly point to the sensitivity of unconventional completions. This session will focus on the various flowback procedures, types and extent of induced damage that can occur, as well as effective damage mitigation and optimization protocols.

Artificial Lift

Session Chairs: Rachel Harper & Chris Klabunde

Operators are always trying to optimize their artificial lift program to accelerate production and/or decrease LOE. Challenges include depth, temperature, pressure, corrosion, scale, sand production, high water volumes, increasing gas to liquid ratios, power supply, wellbore deviation, and more. The Permian has always been known for our sea of pumping units, but there is a continuous effort to optimize long-term well performance through a combination of ESP, gas lift, jet pump, plunger lift, and others. This session will focus on different approaches & experience in optimizing artificial lift in the Delaware & Midland Basins.



0700 - 0755

Registration Check-In and Breakfast

0755- 0800

Chairperson's Welcome

Yogashri Pradhan, Endeavor Energy Resources

0800 - 1000

Completion Diagnostics and Design

"Can Pressure Analysis During Completion be an Early Indicator of Well Performance? A Midland Basin Case Study"

Allie Garcia, Reveal Energy Services

"Utilizing Fracture Diagnostics to Minimize Horizontal Well Interference"

Lance Reynolds, CrownQuest Operating, LLC

"Fracture Type Identification for Real-Time Pumping Parameters Optimization to Maximize Hydraulic Fracturing Surface Area for Production"

Tom Johnston, ShearFRAC

"Empirical Meets Analytical-Novel Case Study Quantifies Fracture Stress Shadowing and Net Pressure Using Bottom Hole Pressure and Optical Fiber"

Kyle Hausveit, Devon Energy (Virtual)

1000 - 1015

Coffee Break

1015 - 1145

Water Management

"Characterization of Permian Basin Subsurface Pressure due to Water Injection"

Dr. Rob Bruant, B3 Insights

"Permian Water Management Trends"

Brent Halldorson, RedOx Systems

“Building Partnerships to Maximize Use of Existing Produced Water Disposal Capacity and Reduce Over-Capitalization”

Miranda Jones, SM Energy

1145 - 1225


1225 - 1300

Lunch Keynote

Brent Gros, General Manager Operations, Chevron

1300 - 1430

Flowback Strategies

"How to Keep Your Reservoir Engineer Happy, Best Practices for Flowback (and the rest of the well’s life)"

Yvonne Scherz, Endeavor Energy Resources

"Full Section Development Flowback Strategies – Full Throttle Versus Gradual"

Laine Valle, MDC Texas Energy

"Interference Testing to Optimize Development"

Trevor Ingle, Devon Energy

1430 - 1500

Coffee Break

1500 - 1600

Artificial Lift​

"Determining Artificial Lift Strategy for Midland Basin Operator"

Jeff Dwiggins, Dwiggins Consulting

"Maximizing the Production Curve, Rod Pumping 'Un-Pumpable' Wells"

Jimmy Miller, Weatherford

1600 - 1700

Closing Keynote

Lance Robertson, CEO, Endeavor Energy Resources

1700 - 1830




Registration Details

Credit card payment only for online registration using the button above.

If you are unable to register online, please contact Cathy Harris at (972)-768-8070

Registration Fees

Online or In-Person: $325

Symposium fee includes admittance to the technical sessions, access to released presentations and attendee list, breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, and reception.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations and requests for refunds must be submitted to SPE in writing on or before April 1st for a refund, less a $50 administration fee.

Please send cancellation requests to

No refunds will be issued after April 1st.


Petroleum Club of Midland

501 W Wall St

Midland, TX 79701


© 2023 Society of Petroleum Engineers - Permian Basin Section

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